
2024 Football Season Overview

Tackle Football

Registration cost is $40, sibling discounts available

Tackle football practice starts July 24th

Tackle practice is Monday through Friday at the Grove City Memorial Park

 Ten Saturday games, August through October

Equipment provided - Helmets, Shoulder pads, pants, belts, practice jersey and game day jerseys 

Pee Wee Team

5 to 9 years old (10 year old under 65 lbs)

New 10 year old Rule Change 2023: 10 year olds under 65 pounds are eligible to play down to the Pee Wee Level.

Head Coach - Jeremi Casella

Assistant Coaches - Chad Basham, Jerome Metheney, Travis Kauffman, Devin Dolan

Midget Team 

10-12 years old 

Head Coach - John Bianconi

Assitant Coaches - Ben Kolbe, Shane Salmon, Lonnie Bess